Who We Serve
Vulnerable Young Adults
We define vulnerable as those who are in need of special care or support because of challenging circumstances such as: lack of community, spiritual poverty, migration, social isolation, mental health issues, financial stress, and more.
“I had just given my life to Christ two months prior. I barely understood the gospel, and my life circumstances left me bitter. Trevor and Jessie dealt patiently and mercifully with me during that season by having late night discussions, Bible studies, and holistic fellowship. [They] showed me the love of Christ in the form of Christian charity [and have been] some of the most influential people in my life.”
- Kyle, reflecting on his late teen years
Loving Our Neighbors
It hurts our hearts when we see people living near one another physically yet without any relationship. This is not what God created us for!
We want to be part of the solution, bringing people together, because we believe doing life in community leads to stronger mental, emotional, and spiritual health. That’s why we are committed to helping our neighbors develop meaningful relationships with God and with one another.
Focus Segment: Theme Park Employees
Living in the Theme Park Capital of the World, we have a first-hand look at the environment and culture that hide behind the fireworks, parades, and fun rides.
Central Florida Theme Parks employ approximately 115,000 people, including interns from over 60 countries.
They work long hours, late nights, and holidays. On one hand, they’re perpetually exhausted by the crowds and heat. On the other hand, they’re neck deep in fantasy and surface-level happiness, which leaves them hungry for something more meaningful.
We get to provide the connecting points these individuals so desperately crave. We do little things that make a big difference to make them feel seen and provide spaces where they can experience refreshment. Ultimately, it’s all about making them feel welcome, speaking the truth in love, and remaining at their side through the mountains and valleys.
Focus Segment: Internationals
Many of the young adults we reach are not from the U.S. Life in a foreign country can be a challenging adjustment and each international has specific needs. We help them by providing both relational care and practical resources. As we do, we get to share about our culture, learn about their culture, and be open about the hope that lies within us.